Hi Love!

I’m excited to share these short, powerful meditations with you.

After you listen to these meditations you’ll feel calm, grounded, and confident about taking steps forward at work, in your love life, your relationship with Mom, or any other part of your life.

Listen to them while you work, drive, work out, eat, do the dishes, go to sleep, walk the dog. Just promise you’ll listen to them daily any chance you get ok?

When you’re ready, get comfortable, click the ‘play’ arrow below, and enjoy. I love you.

6 Minute Morning Meditation To Create An Amazing Day With Gratitude + Clear Intentions

This 6 minute guided morning meditation ensures you kickstart your day with gratitude, intentional beliefs, and clear intentions for creating an amazing day. 

This Guided Meditation includes:

  • Breath work to wake your brain up so you feel alert and focused throughout the day.

  • A gratitude exercise

  • Setting intentions

  • Rewiring limiting beliefs and setting intentional ones

  • Request for divine help and guidance

 I Am Enough Meditation

This guided meditation will rewire your brain so you feel cellularly in your body that you’re enough. You’re smart enough. There’s enough time. You can’t f*k it up or fail. You have everything you need to make your desires, and why you’re on this planet, reality.  

This Guided Meditation includes:

  • Setting intentional beliefs to support you FEELING you’re smart enough, creative enough, all the enoughs!

  • Request for divine help and guidance

Connect With Your Vision Meditation

This guided meditation helps you connect with your passion, purpose, and vision for your life. Envision what is possible for you and tap into the guidance and support you need to release what no longer serves you, as you mover closer to materializing your dreams.

This Guided Meditation includes:

  • Reconnecting to your vision, passion, and purpose in life

  • Request for divine help and guidance