EP 149: Why You Live In Constant Stress, Anxiety, Overwhelm, Drama + How To Change
Why stress, the never ending to do list, and “I have so much to do” is worn like a badge of honor in society
Why we love to create drama in life
Why stress is addictive, how to break the adrenaline high and the difference between authentic energy and adrenaline.
How our need for people to validate us often ends up creating more stress in life
The little known reason why you’re living in this constant state of stress, hustle or getting to burnout. HINT: you will learn what you’re AVOIDING
How healing your relationship to the masculine helps, knowing your own limits, and how to create more ease in your life by accepting the human experience and knowing that you have seasons of focusing a lot on work, and then not. This also helps you change this constant stress level.
Why meditation, breath work, and other simple modalities don’t work to change this way of being
Why you need to learn how to receive and stop hunting for experts, programs, and things outside of you to stop this constant way of being.
If you find yourself living in a constant state of fear, stress, anxiety, overwhelm, and drama this episode is going to be a game changer! These ways of being are your “normal” and make you feel “safe”
Do you find it challenging to SLOW DOWN and trust and accept that your career, romantic life, and life is naturally peaceful and unfolding at the right time? This is because your nervous system is used to feeling stress all the time, and it hates anything new like slowing down. More in today’s episode!
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