Ep 83: How to Call B.S. on Money "Stories" & Change Them Forever
Figuring out what our money “stories” are and how they are holding us back
Practice tools to break through these limiting money stories
Create a new belief and practice in seeking evidence to allow that belief to change your life
On the podcast this week, we are BREAKING UP with the “stories” we hold about our money potential. What we need to remember y’all, the experience you have with money is created by the thoughts in your brain! So for example, if you believe making money is fun and easy - then you’ll make loads of money!
But, if you tell yourself “I’m not good with money” or another “story” along those lines, then your brain will search for the evidence in your life to support that story.
In this episode, we will:
Discuss important questions to ask yourself to uncover your money “stories”
Practice finding evidence to disprove this limiting belief
I’ll share some of my examples with you all; and by the end of the listen you will definitely agree that when you start finding evidence for your new belief, it starts becoming believable, and in turn will change your relationship with money!
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