Ep 107: Why You Need Curiosity, Empathy, + Openness in Hybrid Work
Hybrid work provides people with flexibility to choose when, how, and where they work which feels freeing for some... but for most of you, this change and the uncertainty that comes with it is not easy.
It makes sense this new world can be challenging as you're being asked to change the way you operate.
Those who have a need for structure, who struggle collaborating with others, and who are resistant to change are struggling in the hybrid workplace. Most of you need to. learn new ways to manage yourself.
The cost of not adapting to this new world order is you end up quietly quitting and feeling unfulfilled, and feeling resentment.
You. will learn three new ways of thinking and being in order to thrive, feel inspired, and yes actually enjoy being at work.
Most of us are learning new ways to manage ourselves in hybrid work.
The good news is that you can navigate the hybrid workplace easily when you understand your beliefs and how you show up in this new world.
There are three skills and beliefs that are helping my clients thrive and feel ease at work.
The first is curiosity which is your willingness to learn and grow. Hybrid work calls for learning on your own. Yup, you’re now more like a self-motivated student: asking why, and being proactive about investing in your own expertise and figuring things out.
The second is empathy. Social interactions are complex, and full of ambiguities. This is even more true when you can’t be face to face, when you’re meeting people online and offline at once, and when you have to try and figure out what others want.
How can you know if your boss is happy with your work?
How do you know what your client really wants?
How can you tell if your teammate is upset about something you said?
The third is being open to experience. The rules and norms at work have changed and you’ll thrive if you can force yourself to learn, and do things that challenge who you think you are.
Do things that challenge your beliefs about yourself. If you think of yourself as an introvert or shy, chat with people that aren’t on your team. Volunteer yourself for new deliverables you’ve never done before.
The goal is to ensure that you’re exposing yourself to new and different. This is how you change who you are. This is how you can feel ease in hybrid work.
Learn more about the ICONIC program and sign up for 1:1 Coaching.
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