Ep 106: You Have Enough Time at Work. Why You Think You Don't
How you’ve been conditioned to believe there’s not enough time to get your work done, and a big thanks to Stephen Covey who wrote The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People for labeling it a “scarcity mindset"
Three tools to feel like you have enough time daily where you work at a slower but consistent pace and build a beautifully healthy and productive balance between your work and life.
How to take back control so you feel like you’re in charge of time vs it’s in charge of you. The shift from, I’m going to work until I get my work done, to deciding how much time you want to spend at work, and on each deliverable.
You and your teams have enough time every day to get what you need to get done. Oftentimes there’s a sense of urgency to get things done quickly, but what if you were curious about that? Why do you and your teams feel you have to complete the P1s and then immediately tackle the P2s and then the next P’s?
We’re conditioned by capitalism, and especially in the tech industry to move fast. Think about Mark Zuckerberg’s iconic phrase, “move fast and break things…” We have been conditioned to believe success equals approaching work with speed.
BUT the secret I’m offering to you today is that being slow, steady, and consistent is a healthier and more productive mindset that will actually help you get way more things done in a day. And create a delicious balance between your work, and everything you desire outside of it.
Learn more about the ICONIC program and sign up for 1:1 Coaching.
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