Ep 126: What Are You Trying To Avoid At Work?
What’s REALLY going on when you feel stuck at work and how to get unstuck
The one question you need to ask yourself whenever you feel stuck
The 3 behaviors being stuck disguises itself as
This week we’re talking about what to do when you feel stuck. You know that feeling where you want something to be different at work, but you can’t seem to get out of your own way and make the change? There are lots of situations where you’ll know you’re feeling stuck, but there are also situations where you don’t realize it because it’s disguised as something else.
Regardless of which scenario you find yourself in, there’s one question I recommend you ask yourself to help you find your way: What are you trying to avoid? Asking yourself this question opens the door to healing and moving forward.
To help you I”m sharing a story that happened to me recently around being stuck and how I navigated through it. I’m also going to go over 3 things you might be doing when you’re going through feeling stuck and avoiding feelings.
No matter what feeling stuck looks like for you, moving past it is the key to getting you closer to your goals. Tune in to today’s episode to learn what feeling stuck looks like, what to do when you become aware of it, and how to move past it.
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