Ep 96: Break Through Burnout Part 2 | Say No + Be Trusted
The reasons we don't want to say no at work
3 choices for ways to say no and stay confident and feel like a team player
A framework for practicing saying 'no, and' to continue to be a trusted, respected team member while setting boundaries
Welcome to the month of saying no!
There are 2 main reasons we don't want to say no at work:
1. Our brains are hard to go to the worst case scenario. We think if we say no at work we won't be trusted and respected, we'll be viewed as a "problem" and there could be a risk to getting a promotion.
2. Social conditioning has told us to be polite, selfless, and to put everyone else first.
But this leads to people pleasing, self-sacrifice, and burnout.
This week on the podcast I'll walk you through how to say no at work and still be viewed as a trusted, respected, admired, and dependable team member.
As we work through this Burnout epidemic, it's important to say no, create boundaries, and value our own time.
Learn more about the ICONIC program and sign up for 1:1 Coaching.
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