Ep 99:Break Through Burnout Part 5 | When Climbing the Ladder is a Terrible Idea
Bust through myths that climbing the ladder is a "good thing"
What we're socialized to believe surrounding growth
Four concrete steps to take when growing in a career or in life
Do you remember being in high school and playing sports or being a part of a group and wanting more? Thinking that if you get onto Varsity or get into that 'cool group' that you'd feel happier or proud?
As adults, we are rewarded as a society when we climb the ranks of the ladder whether it's socioeconomic status, career, the house we buy, etc.
The main reason we think we want to climb the ladder and get to the next rung, is because we are hard wired to feel a sense of belonging. And with each rung, we enter a new 'pack' or group.
So we are inundated daily with messages to get that next promotion, find that new job, start that new hot career. What our brain and society has told us to believe is that when we climb the ladder, we'll have more respect, make more money, work will feel better, we'll be happier, and life will be easy.
But this is a big fat lie. When we climb the ladder to rid ourselves of insecurity - we burn ourselves out because we take the same shitty feelings with us when we get to the next rung. And we have to remember that the outside circumstance can't change what is going on internally.
This is when burnout happens.
And the only thing that can change a feeling are your beliefs. So here are 4 concrete steps to take you want to climb the ladder:
1. Start with your why - are you following a desire?
2. What do you choose to think?
3. How do you want to feel?
4. Who do you need to stop being, to get there?
Remember that the reasons to climb any ladder are to access fun, love, curiosity, and a place of believing "I'm enough."
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